You can pay in the following ways, choose the one you like the most at the time of making your purchase.

  • Paypal

Through your Paypal account, it is fast and convenient.


  • Cash on delivery

It is comfortable and you only pay for the merchandise at the time of receiving it, as against it, this medium has a surcharge of 3% of the amount of your purchase. Available for purchases over € 30.


  • Credit card

Through our payment gateway, it is fast, convenient and secure.


  • Account Login

You have to go to our bank, but we will see the payment the same day you do it:

             BANK ENTITY -  ABANCA

             IBAN No. ES62 2080 0230 6330 4001 9949

             Swift - BIC CAGLESMMXXX


  • Wire transfer

Making a transfer from your bank to our account. It is more comfortable than the account deposit, but it can take up to 3 days to see your payment reflected in our account.

             BANK ENTITY BANKS

             IBAN No. ES62 2080 0230 6330 4001 9949

             Swift - BIC CAGLESMMXXX